Serendipity of Souls: How Shared Threads Stitch a Love Unbound. Love is what you’ve been through with somebody. -James Thurber

Serendipity of Souls: How Shared Threads Stitch a Love Unbound.

Love is what you’ve been through with somebody. James Thurber

In a world where love is often painted as fireworks and butterflies, James Thurber offers a simpler, deeper truth: “Love is what you’ve been through with somebody.” It’s not just the giddy first date, but the late-night talks, the shared triumphs and stumbles, the weathered storms that forge a bond stronger than any fleeting feeling.

Love, Thurber suggests, isn’t built on sunshine alone; it thrives on the shared soil of experience. It’s the inside jokes born from silly mishaps, the quiet strength found in each other’s arms during life’s downpours. It’s the laughter lines etched around eyes that have seen each other at their best and worst, yet still find beauty in the reflection.

So, the next time you celebrate your love, remember, it’s not just the butterflies, but the battles fought and won together that make it truly soar.