Rise from the Ashes: Turning Endings into Epic New Beginnings. Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end. -Seneca

Rise from the Ashes: Turning Endings into Epic New Beginnings

Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end. Seneca

Life, like the seasons, is a dance of beginnings and endings. Seneca, the wise Roman, reminds us that every fresh start springs from something closing its chapter. Graduating high school? That’s the final page of one story, the exciting opening line of another. Lost a job? It might be the nudge you needed to chase that dream career. Every goodbye whispers “hello” to something new, a chance to reinvent ourselves, grow, and blossom. So, embrace the cycles, learn from endings, and see them as stepping stones to bolder, brighter beginnings. Remember, even the mighty phoenix rises from ashes!