The distance between "I could have" and "I have" is regret. -Ankur Warikoo

The distance between “I could have” and “I have” is regret.

Ankur Warikoo

Friends, stand with me for a moment and comprehend these two simple phrases: “I could have” and “I have“. Do you feel the weight of them? The difference between them is a chasm, a gulf spanned only by action.

On one side lies the world of “could have,” a land littered with unfulfilled dreams, untaken chances, and paths not followed. It’s a place where regret whispers in your ear, reminding you of what you didn’t do, what you didn’t achieve.

But on the other side lies “I have.” Here, the sun shines brighter, illuminating the beauty of possibility realized, risks taken, and goals achieved. It’s a realm of empowerment, where you stand tall, knowing you faced your fears and embraced the journey.

My friends, the choice is ours. Will we dwell in the shadows of “could have,” forever haunted by what might have been? Or will we step boldly into the light of “I have,” seizing the present and shaping our own destiny?

The distance between these two phrases may seem vast, but it’s not insurmountable. Every action, every decision, is a bridge plank laid across that chasm. So, let us choose action over regret, courage over fear. Let us build a bridge strong enough to carry us from “could have” to the triumphant “I have.”

Together, let’s walk the path of possibility and create a future filled with the treasures of accomplishment and the joy of living life to the fullest. Remember, friends, the power lies within us. We hold the key to unlocking our own potential. Let’s start building that bridge today!