Make things happen! Luck happens to those that make things happen. -Brian Tracy

Luck happens to those that make things happen.

Brian Tracy

Luck: Fertilizer for Seeds of Action

Luck happens to those that make things happen,” Brian Tracy whispers, nudging us from passive hope to active pursuit. It’s a potent reminder that while serendipity may sprinkle magic dust, it rarely blossoms without fertile ground tilled by intention and effort.

Think of luck as sunshine. It warms the seeds of ambition, but it won’t make them sprout unless planted, watered, and nurtured. The real magic lies in our hands, in the sweat of sowing, the resilience of weeding, the unwavering focus on harvest.

So, let’s not wait for a lucky breeze to blow our dreams across the finish line. Let’s grab a shovel, plant those seeds of desire, and make the sunshine of action our daily fertilizer. Remember, even the luckiest clover needs a field to bloom.

Food for thought: What seeds of action will you plant today to cultivate your own luck?