Jitter Jitters? Here's How to Turn Your Fear into Fuel! Do the thing and fear will follow. -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Jitter Jitters? Here’s How to Turn Your Fear into Fuel!

Do the thing and fear will follow. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Ever get scared to do something? You’re not alone! Even famous thinker Emerson said, “Don’t let fear stop you! Take action, and it’ll shrink in the rearview mirror.”

Scared of that presentation? Take a deep breath and give it your best shot! The feeling of conquering your fear beats staying stuck in “what-if” land any day. So, jump in, dust off those jitters, and see what you’re capable of!

Just remember, being brave doesn’t mean being reckless. Plan smart, trust your gut, and then take that leap. You’ve got this!