To the old, long life and treasure; to the young, all health and pleasure. -Ben Jonson

To the old, long life and treasure; to the young, all health and pleasure.

Ben Jonson

Life’s Encores and Opening Acts: Raising a Glass to Every Age

New year, same stage, but with a fresh set of spotlights ready to shine. Life’s a never-ending show, wouldn’t you agree? And what a cast we have! From the silver-haired veterans with their treasure chests of stories to the wide-eyed newcomers buzzing with energy, every age brings its own magic to the stage.

To the Young: I can almost hear those hearts pounding like a drummer’s solo, dreams big enough to fill a whole theater. Your energy is contagious, like a standing ovation that just won’t quit. Don’t be afraid of the spotlight—let those nerves tingle, let those lines sometimes fumble. Remember, even the greatest actors had to start somewhere, learning their cues and finding their voices. Those endless rehearsals, messy moments, unexpected twists in the script are all part of the journey, and it’s going to lead you to some incredible places, trust me.

To the Old: You’re the anchors of this production, the steady hands that keep the show running smoothly. You’ve seen it all—the standing ovations, the curtain calls, the quiet moments backstage when the lights dim. Your eyes hold a thousand stories, your laughter echoes like a seasoned orchestra tuning up. You’re living proof that life’s not about the final act, but about every scene, every line, every moment that takes our breath away.

And that’s the beauty of this grand play, isn’t it? The way it blends youth and age, creating a tapestry of experiences that’s richer for every thread. So, in this new year, let’s raise a glass to every age, every role, every scene that makes this show worth watching.

Wishing you all health, pleasure, wisdom, wonder, laughter and love—to a year filled with encores, standing ovations, and those unforgettable moments that linger long after the curtain falls.

Whether you’re the lead or part of the ensemble, remember, you’re irreplaceable. Make this year a showstopper!