Uh Oh, Denial Alert! Here's How to Ditch the Drama and Embrace a Better Life! Denial will kill you faster than any attacker. -Bruce Schneier

Uh Oh, Denial Alert! Here’s How to Ditch the Drama and Embrace a Better Life!

Denial will kill you faster than any attacker.Bruce Schneier

Facing problems can be scary, but listen up: pretending everything’s okay can be dangerous! Security expert Bruce Schneier said: “Denial will kill you faster than any attacker.”

Oof, that’s a tough one! But it’s true. Ignoring issues in our lives, relationships, or even health can make them worse.

Here’s the trick: We can be the boss of our own lives! Be honest and admitting what’s going on, we can start working towards a life that’s awesome and healthy!

Empowering Tip: Putting pen to paper can help you see things more clearly.