8 Things I'm Hanging Up This Christmas (Instead of Lights) 1. Comparing myself, 2. Dwelling on mistake 3. People pleasing 4. Self-criticism 5. Avoiding my emotions 6. Feeling bad for crying 7. Saying YES to everything 8. Multitasking

Merry Christmas Dear Reader!

8 Things I’m Hanging Up This Christmas (Instead of Lights)

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, folks! A time for twinkling lights, sugary treats, and… ruthless self-improvement? That’s right, while the world’s busy decking the halls, I’m decking the halls of my soul with some major life upgrades. This Christmas, I’m not just hanging stockings, I’m hanging up on these eight frenemies:

1. Grinch-y Comparisons: Bah humbug to comparing myself to everyone from Aunt Mildred with her picture-perfect roast beast to Cousin Kevin who somehow got accepted to Mars University (seriously, how?). This year, I’m channeling my inner Cindy Lou Who and celebrating my own unique sparkle.

2. Past Regrets Graveyard: Enough with dwelling on that time I sang karaoke “Bohemian Rhapsody” entirely off-key. It’s time to bury those mistakes in the Past Regrets Graveyard and dance on its head like a joyful elf on peppermint bark.

3. People-Pleasing Palace: No more bending over backwards like a gingerbread man in a hot oven! This year, I’m setting boundaries like reindeer setting Christmas Eve schedules. My time and energy are precious gifts, and I’m only handing them out to those who deserve them (i.e., anyone who brings extra eggnog).

4. Inner Critic Carolers: Those little voices whispering “you’re not good enough” can go caroling somewhere else. This year, I’m replacing them with a soulful choir of self-love, belting out anthems like “You’re a Star, Baby!” and “Rock that Ugly Christmas Sweater with Confidence!”

5. Emotional Ice Palace: No more freezing feelings under a glacier of denial. This year, I’m melting down that Ice Palace and letting my emotions flow like hot cocoa on a snowy day. Tears? Laughter? Rage at the fruitcake grandma insists on serving? Embrace it all, baby!

6. Crybaby Blues: Feeling bad for crying is like feeling bad for wearing ugly sweaters – festive and totally acceptable. This year, I’m shedding those tears like sparkly ornaments, letting them wash away the stress and leaving me a glistening mess of pure joy.

7. Yes-Man Elf on the Shelf: No more being Santa’s overworked helper, saying “yes” to every single request. This year, I’m putting that Elf on the Shelf in time-out and learning the power of “no.” It’s like finding a lump of coal in your stocking, except instead of disappointment, you discover delicious self-respect.

8. Ditch the Juggling, Embrace the Joy: Unwrapping Peace, One Task at a Time

Forget the mistletoe magic for a sec, let’s talk juggling (of the metaphorical kind, not the actual circus seal variety – those guys are amazing). This year, I’m swapping ten swirling snow globes for the quiet focus of a single flickering candle. No more multitasking marathons, just savoring the present moment like a snowman catching some winter sun. It’s time to trade the stress-sweat for a warm blanket of mindful appreciation, one task at a time. So breathe deep, slow down, and let the joy of the season unfold – like a perfectly wrapped gift, layer by layer.

Hey everyone! Forget stringing lights this year, I’m stringing up some major life upgrades! This Christmas, I’m saying sayonara to negativity’s lumpy coal and grabbing shiny ornaments of self-love, joy, and sparkly boundaries (gotta maintain some festive cheer!). So join me in this holiday overhaul, toss your own frenemies out the window (metaphorically, please), and decorate your soul with the stuff that truly matters. Remember, the greatest gift you can give this season is your shining, authentic self. Spread the holiday cheer, my merry comrades! And if you see Aunt Mildred digging in my Past Regrets Graveyard, offer her some eggnog and a gentle redirection – there’s no room for ghosts among the glitter, right?