It’s not about perfect. It’s about effort. –Jillian Michaels

Jillian Michaels nailed it rightly by saying “It’s not about perfect. It’s about effort”, while defining success. There’s no such thing as perfection, perfection is always overrated. No matter what your current age, I am 100% sure that you would have seen minimum of two revision versions of just about anything that we used (and that too from topmost brands).

So essentially no matter what you are trying to accomplish, be it your fitness goal or personal improvement. Success is about showing up, even when you don’t feel like. Life doesn’t reward perfection; it rewards persistence. Each small win, each imperfect attempt, adds up. You miss a workout? It’s okay—effort means you come back tomorrow. You fumble through a presentation? Effort means you try again, better prepared. Progress is built brick by brick, not in one perfect leap.

Effort frees you from the impossible standards of perfection. It’s about celebrating the journey, learning as you go, and growing with every imperfect try. Keep putting in the effort—success will follow because the process is what transforms you, not perfection.

Empowering Tip: Show up, try, and let effort lead the way.