What I do every day matters more than what I do once in a while. –Gretchen Rubin

Our daily actions/habits truly count. The big moments do not shape our life. And to emphasize this thought further I will quote a message from Gretchen Rubin, “What I do every day matters more than what I do once in a while.”.

When we focus on everyday habits, we can create a path to success. Consistent practice in whatever we pursue—be it exercise, learning, or working on a project—makes a difference over time. Think about it: each small step we take daily adds up to something great!

Let’s take a quick a quick example, when we learn how to ride a bike or drive car, initial periods are stressful, however as we practice more and more riding/driving becomes a default habit. The power of everyday habits is incredible! By making a daily commitment, you build momentum and move closer to your goals.

So, embrace the idea that what you do every day matters! Start by choosing one positive habit to work on daily. It’s about showing up every single day and making that effort!

Empowering Tip: Choose one small habit to practice daily.