We become what we want to be by consistently being what we want to become each day. –Richard G. Scott

Feeling lost and not getting anywhere? Hang on there, maybe you are sticking yourself in the right direction of your goals on daily basis. Consistency is the key of getting closer to your goals. Being in right direction is more important than speed. There’s nothing called as overnight success.

Believe it this way: small, daily actions will certainly have a massive impact over time. Trust the process and keep going. It’s like when plant a seed, it does not become tree overnight. With consistent watering and care it eventually blooms and reaps fruits. Achieving your goals are like this. You have to consistently keep working towards your goal every single day.

So, what does consistency look like in practice? Consistency is like creating habits that you follow them every single. Things like daily exercise, healthy eating, meeting a new person cannot be done without practicing daily. Just like Rome, your dreams will not come true in a day. Keep putting in your efforts with consistent perseverance and you will get there.

Empowering Tip: Consistency is the Key: make it your daily mantra.