Consistency requires you to be as ignorant today as you were a year ago. –Bernard Berenson

Who doesn’t want success, I don’t know of anyone. But guess what’s the topmost secret key of success? It’s the same age old word “Consistency” and to vouch this fact Bernard Berenson said, “Consistency requires you to be as ignorant today as you were a year ago.”. In other words, keep showing up even when things feel the same.

The power of consistency compounds with repetition of those little things that we do daily. Now what we do daily to get benefited from the compounding effect of habits leading to success or failure is up to us.

Whether you’re trying to improve in your career or build better habits, consistency in life is what leads to long-term rewards. Any big dramatic change would crash/fade away sooner or later, consistency is about making progress day by day. When you keep going, even when it’s tough, that’s how you build consistency and success.

So, how do you build consistency in daily life? Start small, stick with your goals, and don’t expect instant results. Remember, the benefits of consistency grow over time—like planting seeds and waiting for them to bloom. It might feel slow at first, but soon enough, you’ll see the growth.

Stay steady, and greatness will follow. All the best!

Empowering Tip: : Daily Repeated Small Efforts Compounds to Success.