How to Achieve Big: Just Get Started

The secret of getting ahead is getting started. –Mark Twain

Beginning is the hardest part of just about anything, I am sure you relate to it and here to facilitate you further I would like quote Mark Twain, the witty American author, “The secret of getting ahead is getting started”.

So what makes us feel little hesitant to get started, for me its fear of getting into unknown territory. What’s your? Whatever the reason maybe, the point to note here is that every journey begins with a single step. It is important to just start keeping your goal in sight. Don’t worry about the size of the step, start small. But do start and you will get there.

It’s like you wanna go watch a movie and if you don’t leave home, you won’t get to movie. Here I would like to pin a point “Every overnight success that we see today (first of all they are not overnight success), started somewhere with whatever they had and wherever they were.

So, why wait any further, put on your best shoes and explore the world, live your dreams.

Empowering Tip: Start now, no matter how small the step.