How to Find A Blueprint for Happiness?

If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things. –Albert Einstein

Ever wondered why some people seem to float through life while others struggle? It might have something to do with their goals. According to the wise Albert Einstein, the key to a happy life is to tie it to a goal, not people or things.

Think it like this, when you define a goal, a purpose is automatically in place giving you the needed energy and momentum. The goal gives your life meaning and a sense of fulfillment. While chasing people and materialistic things you would end up messed up.

Whatever your goal maybe to start a business or travel the world, or simply becoming a better person, just starting working towards the goal every single day and you will be surprised how happy you become as you crush those tiny sub-goals.

Remember, happiness isn’t about having it all; it’s about having a goal and working towards it with passion.

Empowering Tip: Find your purpose and chase it passionately.