How To Achieve Big: Start Small

You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great. –Zig Ziglar

Just like journey of thousand miles starts with a single step, and so is a big goal achieved by starting with completing small tasks. Here I would like to quote a famous message from Zig Ziglar “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.”

Success is all about progress, a persistent progress with never-give-up attitude towards your goal is all that matters. Every successful person at one point of time was a beginner and he/she began without the fear of failure.

There won’t be a perfect time when are fully prepared for an opportunity to come. You have a dream and that’s more than sufficient, Just, put a step forward and you are halfway there.

Empowering Tip: Start today, no matter how small the step.