Magnetic Money Mantras: Adopt The Rich Mindset

Rich people associate with positive, successful people. Poor people associate with negative or unsuccessful people.T. Harv Eker

You ever notice how some folks just seem to attract money and success like a magnet? The wise T. Harv Eker dropped this gem – “Rich people associate with positive, successful people. Poor people associate with negative or unsuccessful people.”

It all boils down to your crew, doesn’t it? Wealthy people handpick their inner circle carefully and surround themselves with like-minded people.

Now take a gander at those stuck in the perpetual broke cycle. More often than not, they gravitate towards the debbie downers and negative nancies of this world. Instead of lifting each other up, they wallow in their limiting beliefs about money together. A harsh pattern that’s pretty hard to break, if you ask me.

The takeaway? Pay close attention to who you let into your life. Negative energy will zap your motivation while positive, successful folks will inspire you to hustle harder. Do yourself a favor – ditch the toxic friendships weighing you down and start cultivating relationships that spark genuine joy…and wealth!

Empowering Tip: Uplift yourself by uplifting the company you keep.