Kindness Wins: Why Being Nice is the Ultimate Power Move

If you have to choose between being kind and being right, choose to be kind, and you will always be right.Wayne Dyer

Ever argue with someone and winning feels better than being nice? Wayne Dyer, a super cool speaker, has a great idea! He said, “If you can’t be both nice and right, pick nice. You’ll still be right in the end.”

What Dyer means is being kind is way more important than winning an argument. A friendly word or helping hand can make someone’s day, make friends stronger, and create a world that’s nicer for everyone. Think about it – if someone’s mean but right, you probably don’t feel great about it.

So next time you’re in a fight, remember Dyer’s words. Be kind! It makes everyone feel better, and that’s always the right thing to do.

Empowering Tip: Pause before you react.