Unstoppable Momentum: The Magic of Idea Traction

If you are not getting traction on your idea, you try few things. You try pushing harder, cleaning up something, building up to something aggressively- but if it doesn’t get traction, then don’t bother.Vijay Sharma, Founder of Paytm

Vijay Sharma, Paytm’s founder, has a key message: if your idea isn’t taking off, it’s okay to stop pushing. Even with extra effort or changes, sometimes it doesn’t click. It’s wise to keep trying, but it’s also fine to move on if it’s not working.

Instead of wasting energy, focus on ideas with better potential. It’s about being smart and knowing when to switch gears.

Empowering Tip: Be adaptable and open to change, you can increase your chances of success and avoid wasting time on ventures that aren’t meant to be.