Chill Out, Boss Up: Why Emotional Intelligence Makes You a Better Entrepreneur

You have to get good at ceding control and not taking things personally. Even seasoned entrepreneurs have struggled with that. I think it’s about not taking failures personally and also not taking successes personally. Leila Janah, Founder of Samasource and LXMI

Feeling glued to your business? Every win a high, every loss a low blow? Relax! Even rockstar entrepreneurs struggle with letting go and staying cool under pressure.

Leila Janah, founder of Samasource and LXMI, nailed it: “Letting go and not taking things personally is key.” It’s not about turning into a robot, but about being emotionally smart. Imagine trying to delegate while controlling everything! Or bouncing back from setbacks if you see them as personal attacks on your worth?

Welcome change and know yourself well. Trust your team, and face challenges as stepping stones to grow. It’s not about not caring; it’s about using your excitement wisely.

Remember, your value isn’t measured by every win or loss. Stepping back from the outcome helps you lead with a clear head, empathy, and focus. Building a business is a journey, not a quick win. By mastering the art of letting go and staying calm under pressure, you unlock the ultimate entrepreneur superpower: steady, sustainable growth.