Championing Health: Reversing Diabetes, One Step at a Time

Starting a company extracts so much energy and conviction that not having a clear-cut goal and meaningful mission can hamper your success. This is why, at Virta, our mission was clearly defined: reverse early type-2 diabetes in 100 million people by 2025. Sami Inkinen, Cofounder of Virta Health

Starting a company takes a lot of energy and belief. Without a clear goal and meaningful mission, it’s easy to lose focus. Sami Inkinen, who co-founded Virta Health, knows this well. At Virta, they have a simple yet powerful mission: to help millions reverse early type-2 diabetes by 2025.

This strong purpose keeps them motivated and on track. With determination and a clear goal, they’re making big strides in healthcare, offering hope to those with chronic diseases.