Begin doing what you want to do now. We are not living in eternity. We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand and melting like a snowflake.

Francis Bacon Sr.

Don’t Slush Around: Embrace The Blizzard Of Now

Ever feel like your to-do list is a runaway train, barreling towards infinity with you clinging to the caboose? Yeah, been there, worn that T-shirt (and probably the sweatpants too). That’s when the OG Francis Bacon Sr. drops a truth bomb like, “Begin doing what you want to do NOW. We ain’t got forever, sunshine!”

Think about it: life isn’t an endless buffet of tomorrows. It’s more like a fleeting snowflake, dazzling bright one moment and gone the next. So if you’re holding onto your dreams tighter than a squirrel with a prize acorn, it’s time to let go and chase that sparkly passion!

But hold on, Captain Carpe Diem. We all have that inner procrastinator, that sneaky voice whispering, “Just five more minutes of doomscrolling, then you’ll totally write that novel/learn to juggle flaming chainsaws/invent teleportation.” Don’t listen to that fuzzball!

Here’s how to outsmart the gremlin and grab life by the snowflake:

  1. Start small, sparkle big: Okay, writing the Great American Novel in a day might be a bit frosty. But jotting down one scene? Totally doable. Baby steps, friend, baby steps.
  2. Ditch the shouldas: “I should write a book,” “I should learn French,” blah blah blah. Swap those bad boys for “I want to write a book,” “I choose to learn French.” Ownership is empowering, like wearing a cape made of glitter and determination.
  3. Make it fun (or at least bearable): Learning astrophysics while hanging upside down from a trapeze? Why not! If it doesn’t light your fire, tweak it till it does. Studying French with cheesy rom-coms? Duolingo who?
  4. Celebrate the sparkles: Finished that first chapter? High five for you! Remember, every step, no matter how tiny, melts the procrastination glacier and brings you closer to your dreams.

Remember, the world needs your unique sparkle! Go forth and melt procrastination with the fiery heat of your awesome-ness!