If you are persistent, you will get it. If you are consistent, you will keep it. –Harvey Mackay

Everyone talks about persistence, right? Well, let me tell you another aspect, If you are persistent, you’ll get what you want. But if you are consistent, you’ll keep it. This powerful idea from Harvey Mackay reminds us that success isn’t just about reaching the goal—it’s about staying on track after you’ve made it.

Consistent actions truly matter. Whether it’s in your career, relationships, or personal goals, steady effort turns your dreams into reality. Persistence helps you push through challenges, but it’s consistency that makes the results stick. Think of it like watering a plant daily—you’ll see growth over time!

Want to achieve lasting success? The importance of consistency can’t be ignored. Small, regular steps lead to big changes. Consistent efforts make sure your progress lasts, no matter what you’re working on. So, if you want results that last a lifetime, remember: consistency is your secret weapon!

Empowering Tip: Start small, but stay consistent—your daily actions will shape your future success.