Consistency is better than perfection. We can all be consistent-perfection is impossible. –Michael Hyatt

Michael Hyatt once said, “Consistency is better than perfection. We can all be consistent—perfection is impossible.”. This quote from Michael emphasis the fact that perfection might seem like the ultimate goal, but it’s often out of reach and can slow you down.

Irrespective of your goal, if you do not consistently put in effort you won’t get anywhere. Consistency in your daily actions is what truly drives small progress leading to achieving bigger goals. So show up even if you are under weather, and you will get there.

Perfection and consistency are poles apart. With consistent efforts you can get perfect but not the other way out. Consistency is within reach of everyone, and that’s the beauty of it. You don’t need to be flawless to make progress. So, remember: aim for consistent effort rather than perfect outcomes and watch your success grow!

Empowering Tip: Focus on consistent effort, not perfection.