Reciprocity SOS: Reclaim Your Energy in Friendships

Give people as much as they give you, don’t waste your 100% for their 10%.Anonymous

Feeling like you’re giving way more to a friend than you get back? It happens! Friendships work best when you both put in similar effort.

The saying “Don’t waste all your energy on someone who gives little back” means looking after yourself. It’s about giving your time and care to friends who show up for you too.

Friendships that drain you aren’t healthy. They can leave you feeling tired, especially if you try to please everyone. Instead, focus on friends who make you feel good, just like you make them feel good. This kind of friendship feels great and keeps getting stronger!

Even it’s awkward, then also don’t be afraid to set boundaries with friends. Real friends will understand that you need them to put in effort too.

Empowering Tip: Focus on building friendships with people who put in the same effort you do.