Empower Yourself, Empower the World: Start Today! Let him who would move the world first move himself. -Socrates

Empower Yourself, Empower the World: Start Today!

Let him who would move the world first move himself.Socrates

Want to change the world? Socrates, the wise Greek dude, had a great tip: fix yourself first.

His famous quote, “Move yourself, then move the world,” isn’t just about getting shredded (though that’s cool too ). It’s about taking charge and starting with the one person you can truly control: you!

Think about it: how can you guide others if you’re lost yourself? How can you spark change if you haven’t faced your own challenges? Leveling up yourself is the key to making a real difference.

So, how do you start? Baby steps! Grab an inspiring book, chill and reflect, set small goals, and push your comfort zone (just a little!). Every positive change in you creates a ripple effect, impacting way more than you think.

Remember, change starts with YOU. Dive into self-discovery and watch your world-changing potential explode!