Nature provides a free lunch, but only if we control our appetites. -William Ruckelshaus. More Cookies for Everyone: Why Less is More in Nature

Nature provides a free lunch, but only if we control our appetites.

William Ruckelshaus

More Cookies for Everyone: Why Less is More in Nature

Imagine nature is like a giant picnic basket overflowing with goodies: juicy berries, crunchy mushrooms, sparkling clean water! It’s like a free lunch for everyone to enjoy. But sometimes, we get so excited and want to gobble up everything at once, just like eating all the cookies before lunchtime!

Mr. Ruckelshaus is reminding us that just like with cookies, if we take too much from nature, it won’t be there for others or for ourselves tomorrow. So, we need to control our “appetites” and take only what we need, leaving plenty for animals and future kids to enjoy too!

Think of it like sharing your favorite toy: the more you share, the more fun everyone has! So, next time you’re in nature, remember it’s not just a free lunch, it’s a chance to be friends with our beautiful planet and all its yummy secrets.

Remember, taking only what we need and leaving the rest for others is like saying “thank you” to nature for its delicious picnic basket!