Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. -Albert Einstein

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.

Albert Einstein

Ditch the Past, Rock the Present, Paint Your Future!

Yesterday’s a rearview mirror, yo! Learn from the bumps (but don’t live there!), celebrate the wins (but ditch the smug dance), and toss the bad stuff out the window like yesterday’s banana peel.

Today’s your dance floor, baby! Crank up the tunes, strut your stuff, and own it like nobody’s watching (except maybe Einstein, judging your sock game). Savor the good times, face the stumbles, and make every move count.

Tomorrow’s your blank canvas, Picasso! Dream in technicolor, sketch out your wildest goals, and mix optimism with a dash of “get-it-done” attitude. The future’s your masterpiece, so grab your paintbrush and get creative!