Remember that guy that gave up? Neither does anyone else.

Quitters Don’t Get Instagrammable Sunsets

Okay, folks, gather ’round! I got a question for you: Anyone here ever, like, REALLY whiffed it? A colossal screw-up, a face-plant of epic proportions? No shame, raise your hand, even the astronauts miss the moon sometimes.

We all have tripped over our own shoelaces while pursuing something awesome, that’s what I am talking about. But here’s the thing: you know who gets remembered? Not the flubbers, not the fumblers, not the folks who threw in the towel faster than a wet teabag. Nope, we only remember the ones who kept on truckin’, the ones who turned their stumbles into moonwalks, the ones who said, “Screw it, let’s do this thing anyway!”

Think about it! You ever heard anyone whisper, “Remember that guy who almost climbed Mount Everest, but then decided ice-cream sounded better?” Nope, you only hear about the summit-smashers, the ones who braved the blizzards and came back with frostbite and bragging rights!

Same goes for the artist who almost gave up on that masterpiece because of one wonky eyebrow on the Mona Lisa knock-off. No one remembers the quitters, only the Picassos, the Van Goghs, the ones who turned their “meh” into “magisterial!”

And even in the land of regular joe-schmoes, the same rule applies. The coworker who almost bailed on that presentation, but then nailed it, becoming the office legend for all eternity? Yup, remembered! The kid who almost chickened out on asking their crush out, but then mustered the courage, and now they’re living the rom-com dream? Etched in our memory banks!

So, my friends, when that little voice whispers “quit,” remember this: the world doesn’t give a flying fig about your near misses, only the bullseyes you paint and the mountains you climb. You wanna be a footnote in your own story? Go ahead, raise the white flag. But if you wanna be the author, the hero with a cape (or at least a killer pair of socks), the one who leaves everyone muttering, “That’s so you!” with a starstruck grin? Then get back up, dust off your knees (and maybe that spilled coffee), and rewrite your story with a flourish!

Because honestly, who wants to be “that guy who gave up”? Not you, I know that. You’re the comeback kid, the phoenix rising from the ashes, the one who turns “almost” into “awesome.” So go out there, conquer your mountains, paint your masterpieces, and leave your mark on the world! And remember, if you ever stumble, just do a little jig and shout, “Nailed it!” because hey, sometimes faking it till you make it is the most epic win of all!

Now get out there and make your ancestors proud! And for the love of all that is fluffy, don’t forget to floss! Just kidding, unless you really haven’t in, like, a month, then, yeah, floss.