A year from now, you're gonna weigh more or less than what you do right now. -Phil McGraw

A year from now, you’re gonna weigh more or less than what you do right now.

Phil McGraw

Cheers to Nachos & Balance, Dr. Phil! Your Unofficial Guide to Weighing Whatever Makes You Happy

Dr. Phil, oh Dr. Phil, you’ve dropped a truth bomb bigger than Oprah’s Christmas cookie platter. “A year from now, you’ll weigh more or less than what you do right now.” Mind = blown. Socks = knocked off. Refrigerator = suddenly filled with fear.

But hold on, before we all stampede to the nearest gym in a tidal wave of New Year’s Eve champagne tears, let’s unpack this philosophical musing, shall we? Because here’s the thing, Phil: weighing more or less isn’t a binary choice. It’s a delicious, messy, rollercoaster ride of pizza nights, spin class epiphanies, and that persistent nagging voice in your head that insists chips and salsa are a form of self-care.

So, let’s embrace the glorious ambiguity of Phil’s words! Here’s your permission to:

Weigh more because you’re crushing that marathon training and muscles are your new best friends.
Weigh less because you finally learned to say “no” to the office cake (and discovered the joy of kale chips, weirdly).
Weigh the same because you’ve found a healthy balance that involves both burpees and burritos (and you wouldn’t have it any other way).

The point, dear reader, isn’t about the number on the scale. It’s about the journey, the stumbles, the victories (and maybe the occasional faceplant into a plate of nachos). It’s about making choices that nourish your body and soul, even if that means indulging in a slice (or two) of Grandma’s pie on Thanksgiving.

Cheer up, fellow explorers on the journey of self-discovery (with occasional treats of ice cream). We’re united in this adventure, each carrying our unique weight, and that’s absolutely fine. The key is that we’re embracing life, finding joy, and discovering love for the wonderful, imperfect, constantly evolving bodies we possess.

Excuse me now, I’ve got a rendezvous with a treadmill and a brownie. It’s all about balance, folks, balance.