What is the funniest thing people do on 1st January? They make resolutions. -Pearl Aman

What is the funniest thing people do on 1st January? They make resolutions.

-Pearl Aman

So You Think You Want to Make Resolutions? A Hilarious Guide to New Year’s Folly

January 1st: a day for hangovers, awkward family dinners, and, oh yes, resolutions. Those self-proclaimed decrees of change that last about as long as the ice in your mimosa.

We, the noble human creatures we are, march into the new year with the best intentions: gym memberships booked, diets planned, side hustles brainstormed. We’ll finally learn French! Conquer Mount Everest! Write the Great American Novel… in crayon! It’s a time of boundless optimism, fueled by questionable champagne and the delusion that one magical date can erase all traces of holiday cookie dough.

But let’s be honest, folks, resolutions are about as predictable as a toddler’s nap schedule. Remember that pledge to “finally get organized”? Yeah, me neither. That gym membership? Now a cozy haven for tumbleweeds and forgotten dreams. And as for learning French… well, let’s just say “bonjour” is about as far as my croissant-fueled ambitions took me.

But hey, that’s the beauty (or tragedy, depending on your perspective) of resolutions. They’re the comedians of the personal growth world, guaranteed to deliver a chuckle (or a tear) every January. They’re the punchlines to our collective, well-meaning naivete.

So this year, let’s embrace the absurdity. Instead of vowing to become perfect strangers to carbs, let’s resolve to appreciate the comedic gold of our own imperfections. Let’s celebrate the inevitable demise of our grand aspirations with laughter, not self-loathing. We’ll still make resolutions, of course, because tradition demands it. But this year, let’s do it with a wink and a nudge, remembering that sometimes, the funniest thing we can do is just laugh at ourselves (and maybe cancel that gym membership before the late fees kick in).

So raise a glass (of whatever’s left in the champagne bottle) to the hilarious paradox of resolutions: proof that humans are both incredibly optimistic and deeply flawed. Cheers to embracing the journey, stumbling and all, and remembering that laughter is the best accessory for any new year, any day.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a date with a croissant and a very loose definition of “Bonjour, baguette.”


  • Share your own funniest (or most disastrous) resolutions in the comments!
  • Create a lighthearted “Resolution Bingo” card with squares like “Gym Membership Abandoned,” “French Skills Limited to ‘Omelette,'” and “Suddenly Vegetarian (Until Pizza Day).”

Happy (and humorous) New Year!