We always have two choices: 1. The easy one 2. The right one. -Anonymous

We always have two choices: 1. The easy one 2. The right one.

Ladies and gentlemen,

life is a bit like a multiple-choice question. And hey, guess what?

We always get two options: Option 1, the easy one—like hitting the snooze button on a Monday morning. Tempting, right?

But then there’s Option 2, the right one—the one that involves getting up, conquering the day, and maybe even finding matching socks.

Now, I’m not saying choosing the right option is always a walk in the park. It might be more of a stumble through the park with a coffee spill involved.

But hey, it’s the journey that counts, right? So, let’s embrace the spills, choose the right over the easy, and make every day a story worth telling!

Thank you!